"The ones who are waiting"
This page is a
tribute to the wonderful animals who have added so much joy to my life
throughout all the years. I am forever grateful for the time I have
been allowed with them.
Stonybrooks Curragh Kildare

This photo, taken when he was 18 years old is how I will always remember Stormy.
Stormy was the pony of my childhood dreams. Raised on a western
cattle ranch, I grew up riding horses but all of my life I wanted a
pony. Late in my life, Stormy became that pony. A little black
Connemara, he was 4 years old when I first saw him. It was love at
first sight.
He became the foundation of my sportpony breeding program and in
the 17 years I owned and loved him, he was everything I'd ever dreamed
of. He worked cattle on the ranch, was trained to drive, he competed in
USDF dressage and in very limited showing, beat warmbloods and
Thoroughbreds in the green hunter ring.
He was a complete ham, showing off for visitors, posing for
pictures with neck arched and presenting his "best side" to the
cameras. His legacy goes on with two daughters and one son in my
sportpony breeding program but his loss will always leave a hole in my

My first horse after returning from Spain and relocating
back in the west, Sham was a 3 year old untrained purebred Arabian
stallion of old Raffles breeding from the Cross U Bar ranch in Big
Horn, Wyoming. I had always been in love with the beauty and
intelligence of the Arab and Sham was everything an Arabian should be.
He did everything and did it well, for several years as a stallion
and for many more years as a gelding. He worked cattle with ranch bred
Quarter Horses, he was shown western, English and sidesaddle. He took
my daughter to state in 4H and he went to college with a neighbor's
daughter where he competed in dressage, over fences and in harness. All
of his life, he gave 110% every time he was asked.