Home of: Sc Morgans
Island Labradors and Island Fainters
North Hero, Vermont  -  (802) 372-3080
Dedicated breeders of Colored Morgan Sporthorses, Labrabor Retrievers & Rare Tennessee Fainting Goats

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Our Mares

 'Sc Island The Last Dance'
(Old Ways Bimbeau x Sc Island Cha-Cha)
Foaled: July 18, 2015-Chestnut-Splashed White-Filly

No Modern Day Outcrosses



Dani is just what I ordered when my old Cha-Cha mare was bred to Old Ways Bimbeau. Pretty, easy going, super sweet, with an excellent disposition & a lot of clownish behavior - just like her Mama! With the loss of Cha-Cha, Dani has some BIG shoes to fill.

Dani is a rich dark liver chestnut with a flaxen/red mane and tail, correct conformation, super mover and a quick, astute learner. She is 100% Foundation (No Modern Day Outcrosses) and one of the few Morgans to carry the Rare Splash gene. We look forward to a long and healthy future with this girl.
We look forward to the day she produces the next generation here at the farm.

Dani is the last foal born to her dam, Sc Island Cha-Cha and her sire, Old Ways Bimbeau. Beau was lost to the Morgan world just before Dani's birth.



"A-One Ellie Mae Correll"

(BDM Ellis Doll's Dandy x Duplicate Fieldqueen)
2000 Chestnut mare - DNA on file - 14.2 hds



Ellie is a friendly mare with a wonderful old pedigree. She is one of the first to greet you at the gate and is constantly demanding 'people' attention. She is Queen of the pasture and keeps all the mares in line. Ellie is built to last a lifetime and has a draw dropping head, large expressive eyes, nice length of neck, a huge shoulder, short back, strong hip, legs of steel and hooves of iron! Basically, this classy girl SCREAMS Morgan type like it use to be!

Ellie produced her first foal in April 7, 2013 to our now deceased senior stallion, Rimlo Black Pepper. The blending of such old blood produced an exceptional individual.
Sc Island Habanero is our first Reining Derby entry! This year, 2018, we are stepping back into the game and breeding Ellie to produce what we hope will be another future reiner. 

Ellie is one of the few daughters of Duplicate Fieldqueen. Fieldqueen hails from Alberta, Canada where some of the hardest working ranch-bred Morgans resided. There, they realized the worth of a good minded Morgan who could work all day driving cattle and get ranch work done. These were not pampered Morgans but tough, gentle souls that had to prove themselves. Today, due to the human aging process, Duplicate Morgans is no more but, some of the Morgans they produced can still be found. Ellie hails from some of the best!

Red Correll, Rosefield, Detta, King O Hara, Julee Star, Princess Holly, Shawalla Bay Lady, Mortana Jason, Correll Willowfield,
Ellis Dainty Doll, Rockfield, Keer's Chief Oak, Mortana Retta, Dancer's Pride, etc.

"Kanters Dare To Dream"
(RG Black Dandy x Kanters Maid Marian)
2006 Black Mare -DNA on file -15 hds.


Dream was another mare I had wanted for quite some time. Her look and body style, including the blood she carries, are closely related to our late herdsire, Rimlo Black Pepper. If the two could have been placed side by side, the resemblance would be downright scary!! Dream came to Vermont in the fall of 2017 after being bred for a 2018 foal. She is in foal to: Fortunes King Cobra (Doves Airon x Fortunes Summertime), a flaxen chestnut stallion that hails from the well-known Fortune breeding program, located in Kansas. King is an older stallion who never had the opportunity to sire many foals. His lines are impeccable and filled with old greats such as: Shine On, Senator Graham, Luxury, Sentola, Night Tide, Highview King, numerous crosses to both Flyhawk & The Brown Falcon, Funquest Prophet, Powerful, Barberry, Mallow etc. Now, we wait to see what King & Dream produce!

Dream's "look" is like her pedigree, easy on the eye! Through blood, she brings in numerous crosses to, Black Jig, LOM Sally, Orcland Bo-Don, Rimlo Black Dandy & Rimlo Black Prince. Some other well-known Morgans that helped make her what she is are: RG Black Sentola, Teton Shadow Hawk, Wyoming Flyhawk, Cute, T-Bone Bimbo (sire of Old Ways Bimbeau) Sweet's Joy, Archie O, Sweet's Living Doll etc.


Gone but not forgotten.......

"Prairie Rose Smokin Jenni"
(Truwest Pure Prairiesmoke x Mon Tana Morgan)
1999 Bay Mare -DNA on file -15+ hds
Deceased: May 2, 2024


After many, many years of trying to get this mare for our herd, it has finally happened!! Jenni arrived in Vermont during the fall of 2017, after being bred for a 2018 foal. We would like to Thank her prior owner for willingly breeding her to their young splash stallion, Prairie Hill Armani (Old Ways Bimbeau x Ebony Echo). This will be Armani's first foal and regardless if it carries the rare splash gene or not, it will be a show stopper!! Armani is a half sibling, through Old Ways Bimbeau, to our splash filly, Sc Island The Last Dance (aka Dani). I was always fond of Beau and am super happy to have his blood and genetics in our small herd.

Jenni is a stunning, large, sport type mare. She is older but, all her foals have gone on to be excellent ambassadors for the Morgan breed. We are hoping she will bless us with a few more! As a breeder, I respect her old blood. Blood, which is becoming very hard to find in it's purity. Her sire, Truwest Pure PrairieSmoke (aka Smokey) is the last producing son of H-Saracen. Saracen was a son of the late & well known stallion, Chingadero. Saracen & his sire, both hailed from the Cross Ranch located in Dubois Wy. Needless to say, but, this is the ranch that our first herdsire, H-Ken hailed from! Through Smokey's dam line, Jenni brings back another shot of Fleetfield who, was our H-Ken's grandsire & more old Cross Ranch blood. On Jenni's dam's side, Mon Tana Morgan brings to the table another shot of Fleetfield through the well known Mortana breeding program of Montana, more old Brunk and another dose of old Cross Ranch blood!!



"Blue Diamond Robin"
(Speedramp Walker x Lea Correll)
1995 Palomino Mare - DNA on file - 15 hds.



Robin is a nice sized mare with a sweet disposition. She is very respectful of anyone who handles her but, sticks up for herself in the mare pasture! Her pedigree reads like a who's who of times gone by and, she is a half sister to our former Palomino stallion, Speedking; with whom she shares the same sire line. She is one of Speedramp Walkers last foals prior to his death. Her dam line carries such greats as, Red Correll, Fleetfield, Swanton, Felicity, Watch Charm etc. She is a little bit of everything we like in a Morgan!

This quality mare is easy on the eyes! Her head is exquisite, length of neck to die for, a nice sloping shoulder, strong straight legs & hooves and a nice strong hip. Her shimmering golden color is just the icing on the cake.  Robin produced a very pretty Buckskin colt on June 16, 2012 - Sc Island Navy. Robin was then bred to Richwood Brave's Image in the spring of 2013 and produced a beautiful chestnut filly - Sc Island Ivy.


"Great Patsy Pine"
(Great Red Pine x Miss Elites Tango))
2000 Bay Quarter Horse Mare - 14.3 hds



Patsy has been with us since Nov. 2008. She has produced a few very nice Dun colts for us with her latest being this year, on July 3, 2016. Patsy is a one of the sweetest mares I have ever met. Very polite and always aware of her position when in the company of people. She is a great broodmare and an excellent mother. We are just now weaning her 2016 Red Dun colt and offering him for sale. Would have kept him if the plumbing was different!! Patsy will be rebred in the early part of 2017.

Patsy is an own daughter of the well known stallion, Great Red Pine and her dam (Miss Elites Tango) is a granddaughter of the famous Colonel Freckles. This mare's pedigree and talent
are very old and becoming hard to find. Wish we had bred her more as the first foal she produced for us in down in Florida where he was trained for reining. He now rides without a bridle and has produced a few foals. His full brother is Patsy's 2016 colt Patriot. We look forward to more foals from this girl.


"Sc Island Cha-Cha"
(H-Ken x Addison Bay)
1992 Liver Chestnut Mare -DNA on file -15 hds.

(Deceased June 26, 2019)


is a former In Hand Halter Champion and was our go to, demo horse. She is a daughter of our late foundation stallion H-Ken (Kenfield X Addison Bay) and a granddaughter of our very first Morgan, Acrosonic (Tutor x Sabra). She possesses excellent breed type, strong flat bone, size, excellent shoulders, strong hindquarters and a clownish attitude.  She is my herd favorite and my best friend!

Cha-Cha's sire, H-Ken, was a double grandson of Fleetfield (full brother to the Gov't-bred Trophy) through his sire with numerous crosses back to Jubilee De Jarnette, The Admiral, Revere, Alibirdie, Headlight Morgan and Ethan Allen. From his dam's side he brought in some of the earliest Cross Ranch breeding, which was early Brunk at its best.

Cha-Cha's dam, Addison Bay, was a big bodied bay mare who was a good producer for us. She was a granddaughter of Tutor (Mentor x Kona) with many crosses to some good Eastern bred Morgans such as Woodland Chief, Betty Ross, Ishtar, Gertie G., etc.

Cha-Cha not only claimed many Show titles throughout her lifetime, she was a crowd favorite at many of the breed demos she participated in. She loved the crowds and hoop-la but, her reigning glory has been her production record as a broodmare. Cha-Cha has produced 10 healthy foals throughout her lifetime. Her last, a 2015, flaxen liver chestnut, filly, carrying the very rare splash gene is her biggest glory. Cha-Cha, saved the best for her last. Sc Island The Last

Dance (Dani) will carry on, where her dam has left off.

Rest in Peace my Faithful Friend. I missed you before you were gone. I understand, it was your time to go.

Thank you for all the wonderful times, special moments & numerous healthy foals. Your last daughter Dani, is the light of my life! She is SO much like you!

Till we meet again, my Regal Queen…………

"Truwest Powder's Sugar"

(H-Saracen x Flee Powderwing)
1993 Liver Chestnut Mare- DNA on file - 15 hds

(Deceased Dec. 19, 2017)

Sugar is a grandaughter of Chingadero, through her sire H-Saracen. She is all her pedigree says she should be. This big bodied mare is typey, has a huge shoulder, chest & hip and the sweetest disposition you could ask for. Her pedigree is a Cadillac of old blood that almost always goes back to Justin Morgan through his son Sherman Morgan.

H-Saracen, her sire, was the last breeding son of the well known Cross Ranch bred stallion, Chingadero (Ketchum x Haager). Ching, produced a lot of controversy in the Morgan breed due to his coloring (Perlino) but, it's his pedigree that's the icing on the cake. Tons of well thought out genetics come down through both his sire and dam. H-Saracen's dam, Teal Eye (Warhawk x Secora) is a full sibling to Muchacha, the dam of out foundation stallion, H-Ken.

Flee Powderwing, Sugar's dam, was a wonderful mare who was a granddaughter of Warhawk and Fleetfield (full brother to the Gov't-bred Trophy) with unbelievable crosses back to Jubilee King, Linspar, Chief Bugler, Gizea, Florette, Allen King, Revere, Imperial, Daisette, etc. All these great horses go directly back to Justin Morgan. 
Sugar has left our world. Her legacy shall live on thru her lovely offspring.

"God Rest her beautiful soul"


                                                                                          Sc Island Iris

"Jada Black Sabbath"

(Black Panther x Mrs O)
1994 Black Mare - DNA on file - 15.1 hds.

(Deceased Dec. 19, 2017)


Zadie joined our herd in August of 2009. I had wanted this mare since she was a yearling but she slipped through my fingertips and went on to produce a few foals for one of her former owners. Zadie was a big, coal black mare with a nice personality. She had excellent bone, correct legs and hooves, a slightly long back (due to her older Gov't blood), a nice strong hip, free shoulder, length of neck and a pretty but plain head. We so badly wanted to see what this girl would produce when returned to the old blood that she came from but alas, she never produced another foal. Her pedigree was full of old line breeding to Warhawk and numerous other great, old Brunk-bred horses. Zadie carried a wealth of old Crosse Ranch blood. The Crosses knew their horses, and Zadie was an excllent example.

"Gallop to the heavens old girl!"



"Canabar High Gloss"
(Marvelous Intrique x Drumlin Irish Miss))
1998 Bay, Splash Mare- DNA on file - 14.3 hds

(Deceased Aug.12, 2016)

'Satin' arrived here at our farm late in May of 2015. We weren't really looking to purchase another mare but when the chance presented itself to own a splash carrying mare who carried some of our favorite old lines, well, the rest is history! Satin is a quiet, easy going mare who easy to get along with. She greets you in the pasture and hangs out with my favorite old mare, Cha-Cha. I think it's funny as Cha-Cha and Satin are closely related thru Satin's dam line.

Satin is about 95% foundation. Her sire, and the source of her rare splash gene, carries a lot of old Lippitt blood. Her dam line, which I just LOVE (!!) is a mixture of very old Gov't - thru the Fleetfield son, Speedfield and the well-known ranch lines of Red Correll. Satin is the result of a wonderful blend of old Morgan blood.

Satin has been bred for a July 2016 foal! Proud sire is Sc Island Navy, who is proudly owned by Kat Waters. Navy is a buckskin son of our palomino mare, Blue Diamond Robin.

Satin foaled on July 17, 2016! She gave us a very fancy buckskin filly who inherited her splash gene!!
We are keeping this pretty girl and calling her: Sc Island Tilly.





'Sc Island Tilly'
(Sc Island Navy x Canabar High Gloss)
Foaled: July 17, 2016-Buckskin-Splash (E/E,A/a, N/NSW)-Filly

(Deceased Sept. 5, 2019)

This is a foal we longed to see! We bred her sire, Sc Island Navy, and purchased her mom with hopes of reproducing the splash gene that her dam carried. Her dam had issues during the last part of her pregnancy but we were able to keep her going until she delivered her foal. Unfortunately, we had to say good bye when Tilly was barely 1 month old. It was a rough 1st week but, Tilly thrived and grew well. We don't think she will be a big mare but, who cares! She is sharp, very pretty and my favorite color, buckskin! Tilly did inherit the splash gene from her mom!

Tilly's pedigree is very interesting and carries some very old blood. Her dam's side is what we originally started with and her sire, well, we just love him! Navy is out doing great things with his new owner and who could ask for more! We have high hopes for this girl who we call Tilly. She is correct and extremely people oriented. Tilly is high % foundation and we can’t wait to see which direction she goes!

Rest in Peace young Lady. Sometimes, Mother Nature isn’t so kind. For reasons unknown, you left us too soon.

Run like the wind my buckskin girl! Your sweet nicker is already missed……….


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SC Morgans
108 Morgan Hill Road
North Hero, Vermont 05474
(802) 372-3080
E-Mail: scmorgans@surfglobal.net

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Stallion Station
pics and text copyright SC Morgans 2001-2025